You can edit the content of the automated emails used in your account.
General emails
- Order Confirmation: Order confirmation sent for Shopping Cart and Place Order transactions.
Club emails
- Club Welcome Email: Sent to new club members when they initially register for a club.
- Profile Update Reminder: Email sent to club members to ask them to confirm their membership settings.
- Customize Club Order: Sent to members providing a link that allows them to change the items in their club release.
- Club Order Confirmation: Sent when payment for a club release is processed.
- Club Release Failed to Process: Sent to club members when their order failed. Most commonly this is due to a credit card decline but could be a limit issue.
Your logo always defaults at the top of every communication.
For most emails, you can change
- The subject line
- Greeting
- Conclusion and contact information
NOTE: Formatting and images cannot be changed at this time.
To make changes
- Go to Account > Email templates.
- Select the template you want to change
- Make the changes and Save.
NOTE: If you want to go back to the default content you can scroll to the bottom of the page and select Revert.