Vinoshipper does not currently offer a gift card in the traditional sense. What we have is the ability to use our Stored Credit feature.

Stored credit

Stored credit is an option when buying gifts for others.

  1. Go to Products > Product List and add a new product.
  2. Choose Alcohol-Free". From the last, choose Gift Certificate.
    1. This option will not calculate any shipping on the purchase but will allow you to capture a mailing address.
  3. Fill in all the necessary information. Set a value for the gift certificate.
    Example: If the gift certificate is $25 and a customer would like to gift $100, they would purchase 4 of this item.
  4. After someone buys the item, they need to contact the producer directly to provide the email address and name of the recipient.
  5. Add the recipient to your account as a new customer with the email address added by the purchaser.
  6. On the customer's (gift receiver) profile page, go to Stored Credit.
  7. Click Adjust and enter the amount purchased by the gift purchaser and a description, then click Submit.
  8. When that recipient makes a purchase, their email address will find the stored credit. The credit will automatically be applied to their purchase. They do not need to login to use the credit. They can shop as a guest as they will be recognized by their email address.
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