The packaging

  1. Carrier (UPS) approved packaging is required.
  2. For alcohol, this includes the outer box as well as an inner container (shipper).
  3. The shipper is formed to the average bottle size and cradles individual bottles. Some are individual slots with corners that fold in to hold each bottle in place.
  4. When purchasing boxes and shippers, the seller should tell you which boxes are carrier approved.
  5. The shipper insert can be made of Styrofoam, plastic, pulp, or cardboard.

Packaging by bottle quantity

Vinoshipper automatically estimates the box and shipping labels in the following sizes. Shipping costs & labels are calculated based on these numbers.

  1. 12-pack case — ships 7 – 12 bottles
  2. 6-pack case — ships 4 – 6 bottles
  3. 3-pack case — ships 1 – 3 bottles
  4. 2-pack case — ships 1 or 2 bottles
  5. 1-pack case — ships 1 bottle

Which ones should I use?

  1. We suggest you use the 12, 6, 3, & 1 bottle packages.
  2. Using a 3-pack box for shipping 2 & 3 bottle orders will reduce the number of boxes you need to buy and store.
  3. When shipping 2 bottles of wine in a 3 pack, fill the empty space with paper. This will limit the movement of the bottles. If you are using Styrofoam then nothing extra is needed in the box as the “empty” containers are the filling.


Here are some resources for packaging options and prices.

Additional information

  • We understand that you may not want to used Styrofoam for environmental reason. We have found that styrofoam has given the best protection to glass bottles and cans being shipped, but the pulp products are getting much better.
  • Again, you must use UPS approved packaging. This way, if there's any damage during transit the packaging cannot be blamed.

NOTE: For compliance tracking, all orders processed through Vinoshipper must be shipped through your Vinoshipper UPS account.

Other resources






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