When you have the release all ready to go, we suggest running a single order first to make sure the result of the release after discounts, shipping, etc. is exactly what you would expect. It is much easier and less time-consuming to fix one order than it is to modify all the orders in a release.

  1. Go to Releases and select the release you are working on.
  2. Click "Unpaid".
  3. Click VIEW ORDERS.
  4. Select the first order.
    NOTE: Make sure the order is not for a customer that has an active hold on their club membership for this club. If the customer has an active hold on their club membership, the order will move to Cancelled status when processed.
  5. Click VIEW ORDER in the dropdown menu.
  6. Look over the order and check all the details to make sure they are what you expect.
  7. Click PLACE ORDER.

Once you do that, you will see the processed order receipt. Now double-check to make sure the pricing is correct, discounts and shipping are processed as you wanted.

Assuming all is good, go back to the release and process all other orders.

If there is something wrong, you can go back to the release, edit the release to correct the issue and then repeat the above steps.

You will then be able to modify the original order that was incorrect.

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