If customization is enabled for a cub release, you will send a custom order email to the club members.


All club members

  1. Navigate to the club release dashboard and click "Email Members".
  2. Edit the introduction and conclusion of the email, if necessary.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Choose Audience".
  4. Choose "All members with unpaid orders". If you have not processed the club yet, this will send to all members.
  5. Click "Send Now".

Individual or select club members

  1. Navigate to the club release dashboard and click "Email Members".
  2. Edit the introduction and conclusion of the email, if necessary.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Choose Audience".
  4. Choose "Selected Club Members".
  5. Enter the email or name of the club member(s) you would like to send the email to.
  6. If you no longer need to send the email to the person selected, click the red trashcan next to their name to delete them from the list.
  7. Click "Send Now".

Other options

  1. Navigate to the club release dashboard and click "Email Members".
  2. Edit the introduction and conclusion of the email, if necessary.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Choose Audience".
  4. Choose any of the other options to send to a specific group.
    • Only members who have not customized their release yet.
    • Only members with orders that failed to process payment.
    • Only members who have not yet been sent this email for this release.
  5. Click "Send Now".
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